What’s Deleted

Message recovery app is used to restore deleted messages by scanning notifications. WhatsDelete can view deleted messages which will help you to recover deleted Videos and recover deleted pictures. With Status saver functionality, you can easily download videos and images statuses of your friends and can view them later or share on Social media.


Discover Whats Deleted

Whats Deleted Message Recovery helps you to Recover Deleted Messages. View Unread messages without knowing your friends. You can read your friend’s messages and chat anonymously. This app is a free tool that helps you read/view deleted text messages by scanning your notifications. You can not only recover text messages but also recover all deleted images, deleted videos, deleted audios, deleted voices, deleted statuses, and deleted document files. A lot of people are looking for a solution to recover deleted messages which is why we offer apps to retrieve deleted messages

Target Audience

Nature of Audience
Age of 15-40

Nature of Audience
1.5 Million

Discover Whats Deleted

As this is a full-cycle project, Loopiq was responsible for all the process starting from Business Analysis untill launch of the product. We’ll take you through the whole design process.


As this is a full-cycle project, Loopiq was responsible for all the process starting from Business Analysis untill launch of the product. We’ll take you through the whole design process.


After understanding the idea our team went through an extensive research process in which involved exploring options of accessing deleted messages and understanding their feasibility. Research involved devices, Android OS compatibilities, availability of Public API’s and studying the competitors.

Anna Gat

Final Year Student


Pain Points:

  • It's annoying when somebody or your friend deleted their messages before you can read it.
  • Curiosity

Pain Points:

  • It's annoying when somebody or your friend deleted their messages before you can read it.
  • Curiosity


The UX/UI Team worked on sketching the low-fidelity to mid-fidelity wireframes to start the process of bringing the idea to life. The wireframes were made for mobile version.

UI Designs

The UX/UI Team worked on sketching the low-fidelity to mid-fidelity wireframes to start the process of bringing the idea to life.
Frame 27
Frame 21
Frame 20
Frame 22
Frame 20

Recover Whats lost

WhatsDeleted: Recover Messages is a Message Recovery app that helps you read deleted messages. How annoying it is when somebody or your friend deleted their messages before you can see them the crusty takes over you just found the best solution. Its not only helps you to read deleted messages but also saves the WhatsApp status It also provides you a QR option It protects your WIFI by generating the QR codes.
Group 1000002228

Recover Deleted Messages

Get those deleted messages back in whatsdeleted app, This app stores these messages automatically in your account, Create account and enjoy these amazing features

Generate QR Code

Generate and share QR code for Wifi password, location, contact number and more. The app has built-in scanner that can scan QR and shows result


The WhatsDeleted app was developed by our front-end and back-end specialists. The development continues, and we the loopiq team is always adding new features for our customers.

Frameworks Used

Our team of expert have used Android, firebase and kotlin technology stacks for whatsdeleted app

Why we used them

You! our priority

We have a lot of developers who are working hard to make sure that this app is working as best as possible. We are very excited about the release and we hope you are too! We know how important it is to you, so we’re making sure that this app is as good as it can be.



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